
Excellent method for achieving a desired degree of separation of water and suspended components, oil or salts

Membrane filtration

Membrane filtration is an excellent method for achieving a desired degree of separation of water and suspended components, oil or salts. The goal may either be water purification or concentration of the water content, or both. The pore size of the membrane determines which components will be withheld. The membrane category is determined by the pore size range (as can be seen in figure below). This technique results in an optimal use of raw materials, contributing to a reduction in cost and restricting the volume of wastewater.

Triqua International offers a broad range of options, such as:

  • Oil-water seperation
  • Extraction or recovery of raw materials
  • Energy recovery
  • Forward Osmosis, the new green technology

Membrane filtration - Components which can be seperated with different types of membrane filtration.


Options of Membrane filtration

Triqua International manufactures units with the following membrane types:

  • Micro filtration  
  • Ultra filtration 
  • Nano filtration (also at low pressure)
  • Reverse osmosis

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