
If you aim for the most efficient water treatment system

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

Many conventional wastewater systems do not comply entirely with current regulations. This is why Triqua International provides high quality Membrane Bioreactor solutions that comply with even the most stringent of environmental regulations. Our many years of extensive experience has established our name in the field of MBR technology. This technology is a prerequisite in water reuse.

The Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) is based on the conventional activated sludge process, but the separation of micro-organisms is achieved by membrane filtration.

Field of Application:

  • Poorly degradable water (lightly sludge-sensitive) 
  • In limited space 
  • Stringent discharge regulations 
  • Reuse


  • High quality of effluent 
  • Low production of sludge 
  • Highly stable process 
  • Very compact design

We offer two MBR models. Our cross-flow system the MemTriq® , for the treatment of complex wastewater and small flows and our submerged system, the SubTriq® for the treatment of well degradable wastewater and large flows.

A broad range of membrane modules / suppliers

Because we are committed to providing the best solution for every specific application, Triqua International makes use of different membrane modules and works together with various membrane suppliers. 

View our projects