
Sustainable water management

Water Reuse and Water Management

Clean water is becoming scarcer. As a result, the demand for sustainable water management is becoming an issue that is currently being addressed more and more often. This is why an increasing number of enterprises are choosing to reuse water.

We would be happy to help you realize an optimal water reuse solution, in which both ecological and economical efficiency will be taken into consideration.

Triqua International has successfully completed various projects using membrane filtration and biological techniques in which we opted for water reuse.

Water reuse in practice

Treatment of household wastewater and process water at offshore and gas facilities. The treated wastewater can be used for various applications, such as the flushing of toilets. In areas such as these, stringent regulations apply to the discharge of wastewater.

Areas where water is scarce

Treatment of household wastewater of a major office building block in Melbourne (Victoria), Australia. The effluent must comply with ‘Class A standards’. Thanks to the Triqua Membrane Bioreactor (SubTriq®), a ‘5 star green rating’ was attained.

The paper manufacturing industry 

A Membrane Bioreactor was installed under thermophilic conditions for a paper factory, which subsequently led to:

  • Reduced usage of groundwater intake
  • Reduced wastewater discharge
  • Energy savings

View our projects